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... 據國際遺傳工程和生物技術中心(ICGEB)3月18日的消息稱,該中心的分子病毒學實驗室組長亞歷山德羅·馬塞洛與義大利當地的一個工作組一起,對新冠肺炎病毒進行了全基因組測序。 3月1日,義大利東北部弗留利-威尼斯朱利亞大區發現並確認了第一批新冠肺炎病例。當地迅速成立工作組,對該地區流行的新冠肺炎病毒進行分離和測序。該工作組成員包括迪利雅斯特診斷參考中心負責人和迪利雅斯特科學園區的基因組測序平臺負責人亞歷山德羅·馬塞洛。 ICGEB將感染者的陽性拭子接種在細胞上,最初從4個樣本中檢測出有病毒存活。之後對所有樣本的病毒RNA基因組進行快速全基因組測序。得益於迪利雅斯特的發達的科技水平,基因測序的結果很快就出來了。 這一舉措迅速獲得了兩項重要成果:在對病毒分離株進行全基因組測序後,可以了解大流行期間病毒的遺傳進化,並跟蹤該地區病毒的起源;可用的病毒分離株能夠使病情診斷、抗病毒藥物和疫苗的研究有效進行。ICGEB用於致病性病毒操作的生物安全三級實驗室,具有特殊的工程設計和控制功能,使研究人員可安全地處理包括冠狀病毒在內的已知或可能存在的人類病原體。該實驗室的初步工作將集中於對新冠肺炎病毒進行分子檢測和血清學檢測。這項工作對於新冠肺炎確診人群是至關重要的。 這些成果將免費提供給ICGEB的其他研究人員,以便候選抗病毒藥物可在新冠肺炎病毒上進行測試,幫助研究人員充分研究能夠中和這種病毒的免疫反應,這是治癒新冠肺炎的第一步。人們才剛剛開始了解新冠肺炎這種全新的疾病,所以為了解開複雜的宿主細胞對感染的反應,並確定關鍵的弱點,需要對其進行進一步研究。 弗留利·威尼斯·朱利亞地區主席馬西莫·費德里加和負責衛生的副總統里卡多·里恰爾迪對這些結果表示高度讚賞。 ICGEB總幹事勞倫斯·班克斯表示,迪利雅斯特的當地科學專家小組,包括亞歷山德羅·馬塞洛和他的實驗室所做的工作和取得的成果堪稱典範。他們迅速和勇敢的行動,使得監測和診斷工具得到改進,並且他們改進了預防和治療戰略,這代表了科學合作可以最有力的解決影響全球的緊迫問題。 為了表示對國際社會的支持,中國醫藥城(CMC)的張小兵書記將協同位於北京的中國生物技術發展中心(ICGEB的附屬中心)向迪利雅斯特提供醫療設備。張小兵表示:如今,在世界範圍內戰勝新冠肺炎是我們共同的目標。CMC將與ICGEB攜手共克時艱。 The SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated and the full genome sequenced at ICGEB Trieste – Italy     Alessandro Marcello, Group Leader, Molecular Virology laboratory, together with a task force team established by the Region, has reached a first, major goal in the battle against coronavirus.     In the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region in North-Eastern Italy, the first cases of COVID-19 where identified on 1 March 2020. A task force to isolate and sequence the SARS-CoV-2 virus circulating in the Region was swiftly formed to include Alessandro Marcello, together with the Heads of the diagnostic reference centre in Trieste and the Genome sequencing platform, AREA Science Park of Trieste.  Positive swabs from infected individuals were seeded on cells at ICGEB, and the virus was rescued initially from four samples. Rapid full genome sequencing of the viral RNA genomes was then obtained for all samples. This result was obtained in such a short time thanks to the network of scientific excellence present in the city of Trieste.     Two important results were achieved: first, full-genome sequencing of viral isolates is required to understand the genetic evolution of the virus during the pandemic and to track the origin of the viruses that reached the Region.     Second, the availability of viral isolates allows research on diagnostic, antivirals and vaccines to take place effectively. The biosafety level 3 laboratories for pathogenic virus manipulation at the ICGEB has special engineering and containment features that allow investigators to work safely with known or possible human pathogens, including coronavirus. Initial work focuses on the setup of molecular and serological assays for COVID-19. This work is essential to identify infected individuals and those who had already experienced the infection.     These tools will be made freely available to other researchers of the ICGEB constituency. Candidate antiviral drugs can now be tested on the virus, which is the first step towards a cure, and the immunological response capable of neutralising the virus can be fully studied. COVID-19 is a completely new disease that we are only starting to understand. Research is necessary to unravel the complex host cell response to infection and to identify key vulnerabilities.     The President of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region Massimo Fedriga, and the Deputy President responsible for Health, Riccardo Ricciardi both expressed their keen appreciation on these results.     Lawrence Banks, ICGEB Director-General has stated that the work and the results obtained by the team of local scientific experts in Trieste, including Alessandro Marcello and his laboratory, are exemplary. They reflect a swift and courageous action that should lead toward the development of improved surveillance and diagnostic tools to respond to the current crisis and to lead to improved strategies for prevention and treatment. This represents the best that scientific collaboration can strive to achieve to address urgent issues affecting the entire planet, and building solidarity and hope.     In a show of international support, Mr. Zhang Xiaobing, President of China Medical City (CMC), Taizhou, China, together with the China National Center for Biotechnology Development, CNCBD, Beijing, ICGEB’s Affiliated Centre, are sending medical equipment to Trieste. In January 2020, the cooperation agreement for the ICGEB China Regional Research Center was signed in Taizhou to deepen cooperation and exchanges in many fields. 「At this moment」, President Xiaobing says 「overcoming COVID-19 outbreaks worldwide is a shared goal. The CMC stands together with ICGEB.」     ICGEB stands together with Trieste, with the Region, with Italy, and with all countries in facing this health crisis. Press contact: Suzanne Kerbavcic Head, Communications, Public Information & Outreach, ICGEB kerbav@icgeb.org Tel: +39-3405971692








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